Lima, April 8th and 9th, 2015.- The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) developed two workshops with the purpose of strengthening the country´s participation in the Investment Committee of the OECD and its subsidiary bodies.

Both workshops were carried out on April 8 and 9 and was attended by representatives of various government bodies, including the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (RR.EE) the Central Reserve Bank (BCRP), the Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), MINCETUR among others.
The first workshop, held on Wednesday, April 8, was on the agenda of the Group of Investment and Development of the OECD. The workshop was conducted by Andrea Goldstein and was divided in three main sessions: the first one about OECD structure, on the Investment Committee and the Advisor group on Development and Investment (AGID) and its relation with Peru.
The second one was addressed in the definition of the main items on the agenda of the AGID, as well as the main tools available to the OECD to facilitate and promote investment. Also to the updating of the Policy Framework for Investment and with special attention in the chapters on general policies, investment promotion and facilitation, infrastructure and responsible business conduct.

The second workshop, held on April 9, 2015, was aimed at the main agenda items of the Working Group on International Investment Statistics OECD (WGIIS, for its acronym in English) and was in charge of the expert Maria Borga. Accordingly, this workshop was divided into 5 sessions. In the first session a description of the structure and frequency of meetings held, as well as the mandate of the Working Group.

In the second session a review of the new methodologies for measuring and monitoring the flow of foreign direct investments (FDI, for its acronym in English) was performed. In the following session he presented the fourth edition of the «Benchmark Definition of FDI», which is being implemented. Then the research agenda and WFIIS statistics showed. Finally, the last session was led by Ivan Aldave, Deputy Manager of Macroeconomic Statistics Central Reserve Bank (BCRP). It was presented the compilation of statistics on foreign direct investment in Peru.

Presentation of Andrea Goldstein WGIIS mandate
Introduction to the BM4 and Progress on implementation
FDI trends
BMD4 Research Agenda
Perú estadísticas IDE V08 – BCRP (In Spanish)