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Lima, January 25, 2022.- The Council of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), made up of its 38 member states, decided today by consensus to invite Peru to begin the process of joining said organization.

This historic decision has the highest meaning for our country, because it is a recognition of the efforts made by Peru over the years to implement the organization’s standards and good practices. It is also an expression of support for Peru from all the countries that make up the OECD.

In 2012, Peru expressed for the first time the formal interest in being a member of the OECD, which became a State policy, supported at the highest level by successive governments since then, with the permanent support of the Legislative, and ratified in October 2021 by the President of the Republic, while these efforts have as their primary objective to improve the quality of life of citizens, particularly the poorest.

Thus, throughout the last decade, Peru, within the framework of its multisectoral link with the OECD, has carried out multiple reviews of public policies in areas such as international bribery, public governance and integrity, water governance, health, statistics, public purchases; and has adopted important international cooperation mechanisms created by the organization in matters of fiscal transparency, investments and educational evaluation.

This invitation is the first formal step on the way to full membership of the OECD, a process that will be characterized by fruitful reforms at all levels, in order to improve public policies, promote good governance and have an efficient State. All this with a citizen-centered approach, in order to improve the services received, betting on inclusive and sustainable development; closing gaps and improving the well-being of the population.