Peer Review Process to the National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct of the OECD in Peru from November 23 – 24

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Lima, November 24, 2022.- The National Contact Point (NCP) for Responsible Business Conduct of the OECD in Peru, located in PROINVERSIÓN, was pleased to conduct a Peer Review Process by the OECD from November 23 to 24, where several meetings with different stakeholders were scheduled, with the aim that the OECD reviewers’ team could know the different views on Responsible Business Conduct (RBC), experiences and how the role of the NCP could be improved; as well as possibilities for joint work.

The mission that arrived in our country was composed of the reviewers’ team, who are representatives of the National Contact Points of Norway and Portugal, and two people from the OECD Responsible Business Conduct team, Ms. Maria Xernou and Mr. Germán Zarama.

The meetings were carried out over two days, starting on November 23 with a welcoming session for the review group, with the participation of the entire NCP team, followed by a meeting with representatives of business associations, including the Association of Agricultural Producers Guild of Peru (AGAP), the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE), the Chamber of Commerce of Ica, among other business sector stakeholders.

This was followed by a meeting with trade unions, where the Autonomous Workers’ Confederation of Peru (CATP), the General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP), the Single Confederation of Workers of Peru (CUT) and the National Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Workers (FENTAP) were present; subsequently, a meeting was held with representatives of civil society in general, where OXFAM, the Peruvian Institute of Business and Human Rights (IPEDHU), Perú Equidad, the Ombudsman’s Office, among other important institutions, participated.

On the last day of the review, a session dedicated to Specific Instances was held with John Carmona. In the afternoon, a meeting was carried out with government representatives from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Ministry of the Environment, the Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA), the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, among other public sector actors.

Finally, there was a meeting between the review team and the NCP team, where they dialogued to know about the points of view of the different stakeholders, and the first findings of the learning exercise were carried out. The final product of this review will be a report prepared by the review team, in which, among other points, recommendations for improvement to the NCP will be made.

To learn more about the National Contact Point for RBC, please visit the following link: http://minos/info/pnc-peru