Trujillo, September 12, 2019.- OECD National Contact Point in Peru gathered representatives of different enterprises from La Libertad in Trujillo to promote the responsible business conduct and disseminate the Guidelines of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to reinforce the favorable climate of investments in the country.

The Director of ProInversión’s Investor Services Division, Cesar M. Peñaranda, representing the National Contact Point pointed out that to preserve and reinforce the favorable environment for investments in Peru, it is required to consider that supplemental initiatives need to be developed, from both, the Government, and the corporate sector.

During the event, organized with the support of La Libertad Regional Government and La Libertad Chamber of Commerce and Production, Peñaranda emphasized that the National Contact Point disseminates the OECD Guidelines in the context of the commitments assumed by Peru, since 2008, after joining the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. Within the framework of this joining, it was approved that the National Contact Point would be located in ProInversión, he added.
“Thus, as an OECD National Contact Point in Peru and as an Agency of Investment Promotion, we consider that the OECD Guidelines for Enterprises is a useful tool to promote a good business conduct and allow the increase of responsible investments in Peru”, he mentioned.

The officer of ProInversión also affirmed that the implementation of the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises, and within the chain of supplier enterprises, are a very useful tool in the responsible leading of businesses, considering that they may create a mutual trust basis between the enterprises and the locations where the activities are developed by enhancing the contribution of enterprises to the sustainable development.

Also, Mr. Peñaranda added that several enterprises are positioning the responsible conduct and sustainability as a business cross-cutting strategy, which creates a more attractive and competitive business environment.

Likewise, he declared the importance of the private investment role during the past years, as well as the significant business participation in the projects’ promotion processes of Public – Private Partnership (PPP) in charge of ProInversión; therefore, the institution will continue promoting the attraction of responsible investments that contribute the sustainable development.

The event also had the participation and valuable contributions from La Libertad Regional Governor, Manuel Llempén, and the President of La Libertad Chamber of Commerce and Production, Hermes Escalante, who was in charge of the closure of the business appointment.

On the other hand, during this event, a video prepared by ProInversión “Peru towards the OECD” was broadcasted to show the main aspects of the Country Programme signed by the Peruvian Government with the OECD.

The Country Programme fosters a mutual-benefit cooperation relation to allow Peru to implement a group of standards and practices that will contribute, through the improvement of the quality of public policies, to shorten the learning curve to the economic, social, and institutional development and, therefore, the increasing of investments through the generation of a good business climate, the attraction of responsible investments and the modernization of the Government.

Within the context of assigned activities to ProInversión in the Country Programme with the OECD, the participation of the country will be reinforced in the work groups of the OECD Investment Committee and its subsidiary bodies. Likewise, the National Contact Point, located in ProInversión, will promote with enterprises in Peru and potential international investments a wider dissemination on the efficiency that the implementation of the OECD instruments may have to reinforce the investments climate in Peru.

Currently, the OECD is composed of 37 member countries within there are the biggest and most developed economies in the world. In addition, it is accompanied -as observers- a select group of 12 emerging countries where Peru stands out.