EDITION Nº 189 - 2024


June 2024

Discover the 4 projects to be awarded by ProInversión for US$ 1.7 billion in the next two months 

Group 1 consists of three projects aimed at improving the quality of the electrical transmission system in the south such as the (I) Poroma Hub Nueva Substation and 500 kV “Hub” Poroma – Colectora link”, (II) San José Hub Nueva Substation – First Stage and 220 kV “Hub” San José Link – Repartición (Arequipa)” and (III) the Marcona II Nueva Substation and 138 kV Marcona II – San Isidro (Bella Unión) – Pampa (Chala) Link.

The objective of the process is to guarantee the sustainability of health infrastructure, equipment and public services with high-quality standards through a Public-Private Partnership contract where indicators to be monitored and supervised are established.

Consortium formed by WIN Empresas S.A.C. and Soluciones Alimenticias S.A.C., winners of the award of the project for the “Improvement and Expansion of Hospital Health Services care in Víctor Ramos Guardia – Huaraz” for an estimated investment of S/ 1 099 million, is the largest amount prioritized through the mechanism of Works for Taxes (OxI) in the history of the country.

El proyecto social se construirá mediante el mecanismo de Obras por Impuestos (OxI) con una inversión estimada de S/ 921 millones, en un área de 7 500 metros cuadrados y la infraestructura tendrá 11 pisos y seis (6) sótanos; reunirá las condiciones para la atención oncológica diferenciada para niños y adolescentes, completamente equipada y con moderna tecnología hospitalaria.

El monto corresponde a los topes máximos de capacidad anual de las entidades públicas para la emisión de Certificados de Inversión Pública Regional y Local – Tesoro Público (CIPRL) que permiten ejecutar proyectos e inversiones mediante Obras por Impuestos (OxI) y comprende recursos distribuidos por canon, sobrecanon, regalías, rentas de aduanas y participaciones; recursos ordinarios del gasto presupuestal y el Fondo de Compensación Regional (FONCOR).

The Private Investment Promotion Agency – PROINVERSIÓN initiated the structuring of the projects “3.5 GHz Frequency Band (3,300 – 3,400 MHz and 3600 – 3,800 MHz)” and “26 GHz Frequency Band (25.9 – 26.7 GHz)” that will allow to provide 5G mobile telephony and internet services nationwide.

Contact Us

The commercial team of PROINVERSIÓN is at your disposal to answer your queries and assist you at every stage of your project of interest.


Raúl Lizardo García Carpio

Director de Línea



Real estate | Transports


Health | Turism