London: ProInversión presented water and sanitation portfolio for more than US$ 1.8 billion
The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) is about to conclude the technical study (formulation) of the Chimbote International Terminal project, which requires an estimated investment of US$ 215 million.
“Consorcio LSH Consulting Engineers S.A.C. – Agua Energía y Minería Ingenieros Consultores S.A.” (Peruvian-German companies) will prepare pre-investment studies to define the viability and investment mechanism of the Chinecas Irrigation project in Ancash.
Through Works for Taxes, there are 97 projects under promotion identified jointly with 10 Regional Governments for S/ 6,742 million. Of this portfolio, 15 investments for S/ 361 million are expected to be awarded just in 2024.
The bidders prequalified to submit economic offers in the tender for the Integral Projects of 3 electricity projects are Celeo Redes, S.L.U.; Cobra Instalaciones y Servicios S.A.; Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P.; Alupar Perú S.A.C.; and the Consorcio OA (Concesiones Perú Holdings Transmisión I S.A.C. and Omega Perú Operación y Mantenimiento S.A.).
The prequalified bidders for the railway project known as ‘Tren Macho’ are Consorcio Ferrocarril HH (Sociedad Anónima de Obras y Servicios, COPASA Sucursal del Perú and Ferrocarril Wanka S.A.C), Consorcio Concesionaria Ferroviaria del Centro (Construcción y Administración S.A. and Hidalgo e Hidalgo S.A) and the company Mota-Engil Perú S.A, as they have the technical experience in construction and operation of railway projects and financial solvency required in the bidding terms.
The Private Investment Promotion Agency – PROINVERSIÓN organized the Ancash Invierte Forum, where the regional governor, Fabián Koki Noriega, promoted a series of public-private projects of his entity that require an estimated investment of S/ 4,373 million.
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